The Day-Care and Women’s Facility Centre, was constructed with munificent grants received from the UGC and was declared open on 25th October 2013. An exclusive and imposing building with good landscape is maintained by the Research Centre for Women’s Studies and assisted by the Building Section of the University. The objective of the Day-Care and Women’s Facility Centre is to facilitate the women employees and the female research scholars and students to rest during their leisure and have lunch. It also exclusively has the provision of taking care of the toddlers of the working mothers in order to help them pursue their jobs and/or academic career.
The Centre provides the toddlers with play- materials, toys and colourful displays.
In addition, there is a sit-out with adequate furniture, two large rooms and a hall equipped with tea-table and a television. There is also a separate attached washroom with dressing table and necessary furniture. The building has excellent lighting and ventilation. Efforts are taken to keep the Centre hygeinic and tidy.
Currently, the Day-Care and Women’s Facility Centre is functioning under the umbrella of Research Centre for Women’s Studies. Earnest efforts are made to provide comforts to the needy women employees and the female students of the university. With the establishment of Day-Care and Women’s Facility Centre, the desire of the university’s women employees has been fulfilled. There is an overwhelming enthusiasm in availing and appreciating the facilities of the Centre. Indeed, the establishment of this Centre is a landmark in extending the basic support services to the women-folk of the university.
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