Student Welfare Section

The Karnatak University strives to maintain the standards of excellence as an Academic Institution. In this regard the University ensures that the best possible environment exists for all students, irrespective of their socio-economics class. For this purpose the University has established a STUDENTS WELFARE SECTION to execute University polices concerned to welfare of the students. Nearly 5000 post graduate and 80,000 undergraduate students, studying in the constituent and affiliated colleges, are covered under the wide variety of welfare Programmes run by the University.

Students Welfare Section has a great deal to offer to students. It administers a number of University policies concerned with hostels, welfare schemes, youth festivals, student complaints etc. Approximately Rs.15,00,000/- budgetary provision is made every year to oversee all aspects of students welfare.

The main objectives of the Students Welfare Section include:

  • Promotion of academic interests in students.
  • Coordinating the University policies and procedures relating to the students.
  • Helping students to realize their potential and bringing out their hidden talents.
  • Lobbying within the University and nationally to protect the interests of the students.


Students Recreation Lounge: In this Lounge, located in the Students Home, Students can relax watching TV, or playing Carom/Chess or reading News papers/Magazines.

Information and guidance bureau: Situated in the First floor of student home building, it gives carrers service, assisting in planning the next stage of students career. Talks, seminar and exhibitions are organized by experienced Career advisers. Students can register their names for employment in Employment Exchange Section. The Bureau publishes a fortnightly bulletin containing information regarding higher studies and employment opportunities.

Office of the International Students Adviser: An extensive network of welfare and advice services is rendered to help foreign students to overcome problems they encounter. The office is located in the Department of Foreign Languages. Two seats are provided for foreign students in each PG Departments.

IAS/IPS Coaching Centre: The IAS/IPS coaching center, located on the first floor of the students’ home building, provides excellent coaching facilities to the aspiring students. Class lecturers are arranged by the experts in the field. The center is equipped with a good library. Admission is through Entrance Test.


Students Safety Insurance : All Post-Graduate and undergraduate students of constituent and affiliated colleges are insured against accidents with New India Assurance Company. The annual premium charge is Rs.6/- In the event of death/permanent total disability due to accident the guardian/students receives Rs.20,000.00. Rs.10,000.00 are paid to the students who suffer partial permanent disability. In case of minor accidents a student gets Rs.1,000.00. Application forms are available in the office of the Director Students Welfare Section

Financial assistance to physically handicapped students: Karnatak University is committed to respond appropriately and effectively to support the needs of students with disabilities. Undergraduate students of constituent and affiliated college will receive Rs.500/- per year whereas post graduate students get Rs.1,000/- per year. Applications forms are available in the office of the Director of Students Welfare and colleges.

Reimbursement of medical expenses: Provision is made to meet out the medical expenses of poor students. The quantum of the financial help is determined on the basis of the merit of the case by the special committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.


Students are welcome to the office of the Director or Students Welfare to discuss about their difficulties which can include such issues as worries about academic work, personal relationships, examination panic, depression and anxiety. Counseling can also include exploring ways of personality development. Students are also welcome to suggest their ideas and topics that might be useful to them in their personal and academic lives.

The office of the Students Welfare Section is situated in the STUDENTS HOME Building in the University Campus, The office is well staffed with

Sl. No. Official Office Telephone Residence Telephone
1 The Director of Students Welfare 2215216 2441996
2 The Asst. Office Superintendent Sri. A. I. Kati 2215216 2742626

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