

The post graduate department of commerce with its beginning in the year 1958 has a long history of Six decades and has made rapid studies in the field of commerce education in terms of teaching and research. In the year 2018 the department has celebrated its Diamond Jubilee year. The department has made remarkable progress during the span of 60 years of its existence.

At present department is offering M.Com., M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes. The M.Com. course is being offered at the Main Campus at Dharwad, P.G. Centre, Haveri, P.G. Centre, Gadag and P.G. Centre, Karwar, Karnatak Arts and Commerce College Dharwad and 34 Affiliated Colleges.  The department took the initiative of restructuring the curricula of the M.Com. course to make it more environment-driven by introducing innovative papers. The department responded positively to emerging IT scenario by introducing IT related paper as compulsory component in each year of the PG programmes.

The department has meritorious and experienced teaching staffs are highly committed to the cause of commerce education. The faculty is quite competent to drive the department in the right direction by getting themselves involved in continuous learning, teaching and research. This is self-evident from the fact that during the 2018-19, the faculty members have guided successfully around Ph.Ds. and M.Phils. The faculties are actively involved in spreading the knowledge of commerce education through publications in national and international journals and during the 2018-19 they could publish … research papers in thrust areas like accounting, finance, marketing, HRM, etc. To update themselves with the latest developments in the business areas, the faculties have been participating in national and international seminars and conferences.

There is one on-going major research projects funded by the UGC in the department sanction to Prof. R.L. Hyderabad.

Over the years, the courses offered by the department have gained momentum in view of liberalized business scenario. Hence, to cater to the ever-increasing demand for the young post-graduates, the department has increased the intake capacity and has also made provision to the candidates to seek admission to the course by creating super-numerary seats under enhanced fee structure. The department is running its programmes irrespective of caste, gender, etc. The department has also started the courses at different P.G. Centres in every district head quarters, besides permitting some of the reputed affiliated colleges to offer the P.G. programmes. This has resulted in meeting higher educational needs of economically and socially backward sections 8 of the society. Because of the dedicated services of the teaching staff of the department, the success rate of the students during 2017-18 is 100 percent. The higher success rate is on account of continuous student assessment in the form of surprise class tests, home assignments, case analyses, etc.

      The department has a tradition of continuous counselling for academic advancement as well as career planning and placement of students. Strenuous efforts are being made to find suitable placement for the young post-graduates of the department and this has resulted in recruitment opportunities in IT and other related fields.

     To make the courses learner-friendly and effective, the department could strengthen the infrastructural facilities by adding modern gadgets of teaching like Smart Board, LCD, OHP, Photostat machine, computers, internet, etc., with the financial assistance granted by the UGC, for which the department sincerely thanks the authorities of the UGC, New Delhi. However, the physical infrastructure is grossly inadequate looking to the requirements for running the programmes. The department has a track record of organizing workshops, seminars, conferences, etc., on a regular basis on its own and in collaboration with professional bodies such as ICAI, New Delhi and ICFAI, Hyderabad. With an intention of increasing the base of alumni of the department it could hold workshops, seminars, conferences, etc, even under the umbrella of Teachers’ and Students Associations.


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