MOU's and Collaborations The University has signed MOU's with many national and international Universities/ research organizations / Industry have been signed to promote research and academics

MoU with Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research (CMDR), Dharwad – 2015

Recognize CMDR as research Centre to Guide the Students Registered for Ph.D. Programme in Social Science Departments of Karnatak University, Dharwad under Recognition of Certain Institutions for specified studies / specialized studies and research (outreach programme)

MoU with Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India (BPPI) Under the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India -2016

The MoU intents to have the objectives as below : VPPI is responsible to provide generic drug to the people of India with the view to provide affordable health care to all. The Karnatak University will provide the training to implement this scheme. The Karnatak University shall encourage to set up around 250 Jan Aushadhi Medical Stores in the state of Karnataka for sale of generic medicines to the public.

MoU with Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSC), New Delhi-2016

MoU intends to impart training  on 

  • Qualification pack (QP)
  • National occupational standard (NOS)
  • Assessment criteria (AC)
  • Training of the trainers (ToT)
  • Shall conduct an assessment of the candidates trained by a second party
  • Shall issue certificates to all the candidates who successfully complete their training and pass the assessment test conducted by ESSCI.
  • Provide the entire requisite infrastructure required for imparting proper training as per the guidelines of the ESSCI.
  • 8. Shall provide training material and course curriculum of the training to ESSCI before starting training for approval.
  • 9. Arrange for master trainers and training of the master trainers (ToT)

MoU with S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute, Belagavi-2016

 Molecular Prospecting of Genetic Diversity for Sugar Accumulation and Early Maturation Among Sugar Cane Cultivers in Karnataka

MoU with Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, United Kingdom-2016

The foundation shall institute the “Dr. D. C. Pavate Travel Bursary” to enable a Research Scholar from Cambridge to visit Karnatak University, Dharwad during the period as may be decided between the two institutions, either during the vacation period at Cambridge, or alternatively when the scholar is on paid leave from the university, to interact with an appropriate department in the Karnatak University, Dharwad, based on mutually agreed broad guidelines

MoU with The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal.  -2016

This agreement intends to establish the bases of cooperation on matters of mutual interest, particularly in technical, scientific and educational areas between the IPL and KUD.

MoU with The Academy of Sciences, Dharwad 2016

  • To work jointly for scientific temper, building, diffusion of knowledge  among public and innovative methods of pedagogy, research, education, training.
  • To organize outreach activities. 
  • To arrange public lectures by eminent persons.
  • To adopt villages for their development.
  • To facilitate projects / university-industry linkage / collaboration (microbiology, psychology, physics, chemistry, biotechnology, applied genetics, biochemistry, Economics, etc)
  • To inculcate scientific outlook in students.
  • To create public awareness on scientific issues.
  • To arrange debates and discussion on topical issues.
  • To development itself into the Institute for Education, Research Trading and Development in Science technology and allied subjects

MoU with Karnataka Institute for DNA Research (KIDNAR), Dharwad -2016

 Academic, Research, Development & Extension Activities

MoU with Institute of Molecular Biology National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Yeravan, Armenia-2018

Research, Development and Extension Activities on Genetics, Molecular, Molecular Biology, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology

MoU with Nanjing Agricultural University, China-2018

Cooperation Program Agreement

MoU with Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan, Armenia-2018

Inter-University Cooperation

MoU with Aristogene Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore-2018

Academic, Research, Development & Extension Activities

MoU with Bhat Bio-Tech India (P) Ltd., Bangalore -2018

Facilities and intellectual ideas for facilitating collaborative research work, training and extension activities in science and technology

MoU with Research for Resurgence Foundation, Nagpur-2018

Nurturing the research, innovation and creativity

MoU with Sarpan Agri-Horticultural Research Centre/Sarpan Hybrid Seeds Co Pvt Ltd, Dharwad -2018

The Facilities and intellectual ideas for facilitating collaborative research work, Education, Training and Extension activities in Science and Technology and Human Resource Development

MoU with  Chromgene Biotech Pvt Ltd, Piduguralla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2018

The Facilities and intellectual ideas for facilitating collaborative research work, Education, Training and Extension activities in Science and Technology and Human Resource Development

MoU with Anthem Biosciences Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore - 2018

Collaborative Research Studies

MoU with Chromgene Biotech Pvt Ltd, Piduguralla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh -2018

The Facilities and intellectual ideas for facilitating collaborative research work, Education, Training and Extension activities in Science and Technology and Human Resource Development

MoU with Anthem Biosciences Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore-2018

Collaborative Research Studies

MoU with Prakruti Products Pvt. Ltd., Karwar -2018

The Facilities and intellectual ideas for facilitating collaborative research work, Education, Training and Extension activities in Science and Technology

MoU with Shri Dharmashtala Manjunatheshwara University (SDMU), Sattur, Dharwad -2018

Academic, Research, Development & Extension Activities

MoU with Rural Literacy & Health Programme (RLHP -2018

MoU with Friends Union for Energizing Lives )(FUEL), Pune -2019

MoU with Rajiv Gandhi Education Society's Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital (RGES AMC & H), Ron, Gadag-2019

Academic, Research, Development & Extension Activities

MoU with Maratha Mandal's Nathajirao G. Halgekar Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Belagavi, Karnataka -2019

The Facilities and intellectual ideas for facilitating collaborative research work, Education, Training and Extension activities in Science and Technology and Human Resource Development

MoU with Family Planning Association of India, Dharwad Branch -2019

Establishing the functional Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Centre by Karnatak University, Dharwad

MoU with Gaden Shartse Abbot, Gaden Shartse Monastery, Mundgod Dist: Karwar-2019

To establish partnerships to further mutual interests and to foster and develop cooperation between the three institutes

MoU with KLE Technological University, Hubballi-2021

Jointly sponsored research development and consolation and exchange of scientific and technical material

MoU with Opportunity Foundation Trust, Bangalore -2022

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 Kousali Institute of Management Studies MOU with Kirloskar Institute of Management, Yantrapur, Harihar (KIM) – 2022

Karnatak University of Dharwad and Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies, Harihar, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding 02-11-2022. This MoU will help the university in focusing on providing students with field experience by sharing programmes. This MoU will further help students who can visit, attend seminars and get hands on experience. This MoU will enhance the skills of the students thereby increasing their employability

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 Kousali Institute of Management Studies MOU With The textile Association(India)MP Unit-Indore -2022

To provide skill based learning to students, the Karnatak University, Dharwad signed an MoU with The Textile Association (India)MP on 10-11-2022. This MoU will focus on training students so that they become assets for an industry.The students will be trained and equip them with the technical skills that the world of industry needs. This MoU will further bridge the gap between what the students learn and the market requirements. This MoU will open doors of learning for the students.

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society,one of the Leading Civil Society Organization, Jaipur,Rajasthan 9.12.2022

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and PEN Media Foundation Society, Jaipur 10.12.2022

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  Opportunity Foundation Trust (Avasar Foundation Bangalore) 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  Logistics Sector Skill Council, Chennai 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY TIMES OF INDIA GROUP MUMBAI  3.04.2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  EVOLVE LIVES FOUNDATION  Dharawad 3.04.2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and NABROS & PARTNERS LLP (NABROS) UB CITY, BANGALORE KARNATAKA 3.04.2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and KARNATAKA STATE FOREST ACADEMY, GUNGARAGATTI, DHARWA31.05.2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  WWSO SECURITV AND FACILITY LIMITED BHOPAL.M.P. 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  National Institute of Technical' Teachers' Training and Research (NITTR Bhopal)2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and FEDERATION OF PHARMA ENTREPRENEUR (M.P. CHAPTER), INDOER 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  COEMPT Edu Teck Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and  Belgaum Foundry Cluster, Belagavi 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and Davangere University, Davangere 2023

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MOU signed between Karnatak University Dharawad and Police training school,Dharwad  2023

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