A Brief Analysis of the Student Feedback on Teachers 2018-19
The Student evaluation of teachers is collected every year in an anonymous and confidential manner. The assessment is on 11 parameters as mentioned below:
Knowledge base of the teacher (as perceived by the student)
Communication Skills (in terms of articulation and comprehensibility).
Sincerity/ Commitment of the teacher.
Interest generated by the teacher.
Ability to integrate course material with environment/other issues, to provide a broader perspective.
Ability to integrate content with other courses.
Accessibility of the teacher in and out of the class (includes availability of the teacher to motivate further study and discussion outside class).
Application of ICT in Teaching.
Ability to design quizzes / Tests / Assignments examinations and projects to evaluate students understanding of the course.
Provision of sufficient time for feed back.
Overall rating
Each student (both the first and the final year) is given a feedback form that consists of multiple choices viz., Very Good, Good, Satisfactory and Not Satisfactory options. Each student is given as many forms as the number of teachers who taught him/her during the Course. For enabling the students to answer in a clear, fair and impartial manner, the forms are translated into Kannada. Teachers from other departments are deputed to administer the feedback. The process takes 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of regular teachers in the department. Later the filled in forms are sealed in front of the Chairman of the Department and submitted to the IQAC. IQAC in turn hires a third party to prepare the feedback charts and analysis.
The ‘Very Good’ option is assigned 4 points, ‘Good’ 3 points; ‘Satisfactory’ 2 points and ‘Not Good’ 1.5 points, and an average for the teacher of all the students’ ratings are calculated. Later, the departmental average performance is worked out for comparing the teacher’s performance. For a broader comparison, the faculty averages and the overall average is also computed. This compares the performance of the faculty to the department’s average, the department’s performance to the Faculty’s as well as the overall average. The summary figures are then sent to the departments who are expected to place the feedback in the Departmental Council meeting and initiate necessary actions for focusing upon specific parameters for a better performance.
A brief picture of the student feedback for the year 2018-19 is as follows:
For the University as a whole, the students have assigned 3.35 points out of 4 to their teachers, which is a good record. Faculty of Education has the highest rating (3.81) followed by the Faculty of Law (3.48), Faculty of Social Science (3.41) and the Faculty of Arts (3.40). These are also above the University average of 3.35. On the other hand, the Faculty of Management has the least rating (3.27) along with Faculty of Science (3.28), and Faculty of Commerce (3.34).
Arts Faculty: Among the Arts Faculty, teachers of Sanskrit, Urdu and Persian, Music, Folklore, Hindi, Linguistics and Kannada departments have received higher than faculty average rating, while the teachers of English have received lower ratings.
Science Faculty: With 15 teaching programmes, it is the biggest faculty. The average rating for the Faculty is 3.28, with Electronics department receiving the highest rating (3.69) and Geology department the lowest rating (2.69). While Botany, Mathematics, Microbiology, Statistics, Biochemistry and Chemistry teachers are rated higher than the average for the Faculty; the teachers of the Departments of Zoology, Computer Applications, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Geography, Applied Genetics, Physics and Geology have received lower than the Faculty average.
Social Science Faculty: Social Science faculty has 12 major teaching departments and few Chairs. The average rating for the Faculty is 3.41, with Philosophy teachers receiving the highest rating (3.82) and those of Journalism and Mass Communication receiving the lowest rating (3.04). The teachers from the departments of Anthropology, Political Science, History and Archaeology, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Ancient History and Epigraphy have received higher than average rating for the Faculty. But the teachers of the departments of Library and Information Science, Economics have received lower than the Faculty average ratings.
Single Faculty Departments: There are four single faculty departments. Of these the teachers of Education (3.81) and Law (3.48) have received higher ratings, but the teachers of Commerce (3.34) and Management Studies (3.27) have received lower ratings.
Department-wise Ratings:
Among the 41 departments for which feedback was carried out, teachers of Education are rated at the maximum (4.00), followed by those of Philosophy (3.82), Sanskrit (3.80), Urdu and Persian (3.79) and Anthropology (3.70). On the other hand, the teachers of Geology (2.69), Applied Genetics (2.92), Physics (2.92), Geography (3.01) and Journalism (3.04) have received lower ratings.
Individually 27 teachers are rated between 2 and 3 (14%); 49 teachers between 3 and 3.35 (26%); and 112 teachers above 3.35 (60%). Teachers of 3 departments have ratings below 3; that of 13 department have ratings from 3 to 3.35 (University average); and those from the remaining 25 departments have ratings above the University average.