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Alumni Association of Karnatak University

Silver Jubilee Building, Ground Floor
(Behind the Registrar’s Office, Academic Building)
Karnatak University Campus, Dharwad-580003

Email : alumni.kud@kud.ac.in
Web: www.kud.ac.in
Ph. No. : 0836-2215353

Alumni Association Of Karnatak University (AAKU), Dharwad

    1. The name and address of the Association
    2. The name of the association shall be "Alumni Association of the Karnatak University Campus, Dharwad" herein after referred to as the "Association".
    3. The registered office of the Association shall be located at the Kousali Institute of Management, Karnatak University, Pavate Nagar, Dharwad.(*Refer the amendment No. 1)

    1. Bring the old students of the Karnatak University under one forum for exchange of experience, dissemination of knowledge and also for the furtherance of fellowship and form network of the alumni at national and international level.
    2. Organize seminars, conferences, workshops and special lectures for the purpose of promotion of knowledge and quality education.
    3. Support research activities by the students and faculty members.
    4. Publish Alumni Journal and other literature for the benefit of the academic world and also alumni.
    5. Coordinate placement of students and recruitment of fresh graduates of the alumni.
    6. Create and establish endowments for granting scholarships and prizes to the students of Karnatak University with a view to promote and encourage talent.
    7. To raise or collect funds by subscriptions, contributions, donations, loans or by any legal means for furtherance of the above objectives of the association.
    8. To affiliate alumni associations formed at various institutional/ college levels and local chapters in different geographical regions.
    9. To do all such acts, deeds and things, as may be incidental, conducive to or necessary for the furtherance of the above objectives.
    10. It is hereby agreed upon by all the members of the alumni that nu child labour in any form and especially domestic child labour will be employed in premises, campus, home residence either own or rented by/of the alumni.

    1. Membership shall be composed of all persons who have received degrees, diploma or certificates from the University.
    2. There shall be seven categories of members viz., (*Refer the amendment No. 2)
      1. Decor members (both KUD and Non KUD Graduates) are those who pay or donate a lump sum of not less than Rs.25,000/-
      2. Life members are those who pay a one-time subscription of Rs.5,000/-.
      3. Honorary members are those who have received honorary degrees from the University.
      4. Associate members are those who are employed under the Karnatak University, who are not graduates of the Karnatak University, Dharwad who pay a sum of Rs.5,000/-.
      5. Corporate Affiliates are those members who are admitted to the Association as terms and conditions prescribed by the executive committee from time to time.
      6. Friends of Association are those who are admitted to the Association as per the term conditions prescribed by the executive committee from time to time.
    3. All members of the alumni associations affiliated to Alumni Association of Karnatak University shall automatically become the members of the Association.
    4. All the members shall notify their change of address to the Secretary of the Association within one month of such change.
    5. Any member, who directly or indirectly acts in such a manner as to bring or acts in contravention of the aims and objectives of the association may be from the membership of the Association by passing a resolution with a 2/3rd majority of the members present and voting in the Executive committee meeting; provided that the concerned member shall be given an opportunity to represent his case before moving such resolution.
    6. The office of the Association shall maintain separate registers of memberships.
    7. Each member shall be eligible to vote and he/she shall exercise it in person.
    8. The Membership and all the rights and privileges relating thereto shall be deemed; any of the following circumstances.
      1. Resignation
      2. Death
      3. Insanity
      4. Incapacity
      5. Removal
      6. Conviction by the court of law for offences involving moral turpitude.

    1. Executive Committee: (*Refer the amendment No. 3)
      1. The management of the Association is vested in the Executive Committee consisting of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Joint Secretary, the Treasure and Two other members.
      2. Except the President all other members of the Executive Committee shall be elected or nominated by the General Body meeting from time to time.
      3. The term of the office of the Executive Committee shall be 1 Year. The members of the Executive Committee who are now elected and working at the time of registration shall be the founder members of the Executive Committee and they will continue in the office till the next election. The retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.
      4. The Executive Committee shall meet once in four months and the Secretary in consultation with the President will convene the meeting. All the meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened with a notice of at least 3 days prior to the meeting. An urgent meeting may be called with a short notice also. The date; hour, place of meeting and the agenda shall be mentioned in the notice.
      5. The quorum of the said meeting of the Executive Committee shall be of 6 members and if there is no quorum within half an hour fixed for the meeting, it shall be adjourned to the next date.
      6. If any member absents himself for 3 consecutive meetings without intimation to the Executive Committee or if he/she is in arrears of his/her subscription, he/she shall cease to be the member of the Executive Committee.
      7. The vacancies of members shall be filled by co-option by the Executive Committee.
      8. The Committee may have Special Invitees to attend the meetings.
    2. Functions of the Executive Committee:
      The functions Executive Committee shall be as under:
      1. To recommend policy to the Association at its annual general body meeting.
      2. During the interval between annual general body meetings, the Executive Committee is empowered to make and administer such policies and procedures as are necessary to maintain the Association not contrary to the objectives of the Association.
      3. To implement the decisions taken at the General Body meeting.
      4. To appoint the staff as and when required, to suspend, to dismiss and to take disciplinary action and to fix their remunerations and duties.
      5. To appoint representative on behalf of the association, before the courts of law and or before the government or any other bodies corporate.
      6. To appoint legal advisors and auditors and fix their remunerations.
      7. To scrutinize accounts and to approve the monthly and annual accounts and to prepare the budget and to get it approved by the General Body.
      8. To do such other acts pertaining to the administration of the Association.
      9. And to do all those acts which are necessary in interest of smooth running of the affairs of the Association.
      10. To affiliate alumni associations formed at various institutional/ college levels and local chapters in different geographical regions.
      11. To admit Corporate Affiliates and Friends of Association.
    3. Office bearers, their powers and functions
      1. The President
        1. The Vice Chancellor of the Karnatak University shall be the Ex Officio President of the Association.
        2. He shall preside over all the meetings of the Association.
        3. He shall be responsible and shall have all the powers for the due management and administration of the Association in consonance of the constitution of the Association.
        4. He shall make arrangements for the smooth conduct and management of the Association.
        5. He shall watch the financial and the executive administration of the Association and exercise supervision and control over the office bearers and the Executive Committee.
        6. He shall perform all the functions necessary for ensuring the carrying out of the resolutions of the General Body and the Executive Committee and shall take appropriate action in case of any default by any individual member of a committee or subcommittee primarily responsible for such execution.
        7. He shall represent the Association in all its legal matters under the direction of Executive Committee and shall enter into any legal contract or relations.
        8. If the member of the Executive Committee or any other subcommittee does anything which is derogatory and injurious to the interest of the Association, it shall be within the powers of the President to give instructions to the said member. If he/she or they fail to comply with the instructions, then he may bring the said matter before the Executive Committee for necessary action.
        9. He shall take the advice of the Executive Council before taking any policy decision.
        10. He shall have power to enter into agreements, contracts, execute sale deeds, mortgage deeds, and all other legal documents.
        11. He shall have power to raise funds, loans from financial institution like banks etc., with the approval of the Executive Committee.
      2. Vice Presidents : The Vice President shall perform such function as are delegated to him by the President. He shall preside over the meetings in the absence of the President.
      3. Secretary
        1. He shall call the meetings of the General Body and the Executive Committee in consultation with the President.
        2. He shall carry out in consultation with the President, the day-to-day correspondence of the association, and in case of urgency and in the interest of the association; he may do correspond independently in the absence of the president.
        3. He shall maintain the records of the association up to date and keep them in his custody.
        4. He shall supply all the necessary information to the members of the General Body and the Executive Committee when required.
        5. He shall supervise the maintenance of the account by the treasurer.
        6. He shall prepare budget estimates and submit the same to the General Body through the Executive Committee in consultation with the President.
        7. He shall perform such other duties which the President may direct him to perform and as required by the resolution of the General Body and the Executive Committee from time to time.
        8. He shall have all the powers to do such acts, which are required for the implementation of the aims and objects of the Association. However, he will do so in consultation with the President from time to time.
      4. Joint Secretaries : The Joint Secretary shall perform such function as are delegated to him by the Secretary.
      5. Treasurer
        1. To keep and maintain proper accounts of all the sums received and spent on be half of and by the association.
        2. To attend to the collection of the membership fees, subscription funds for the association and to pass receipts for all the money received by him for the association.
        3. To remit all the money received by him to the bank approved by the Association within five days of such receipts.
        4. To operate bank accounts.
        5. To place all his monetary transaction relating to the Association as also all other actions taken by in the discharge of his duties before the Executive Committee.
        6. To do all acts of major receipts or expenses in consultation with the President and the Secretary.

    1. All the members eligible to vote shall constitute the General Body.
    2. There shall be an annual General Body meeting and Special General Body Meeting. The annual General Body meeting shall be called every year within a period of six months from the date fixed for the clearing of the accounts. The special General Body meeting may be called by the Executive Committee at any time to transact the business of the Association, or it shall be called where there is a requisition as per Section 11(3) of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960.

Amendments to the Bylaws as resolved at Annual General Body meeting held on20th May 2023 at 11.30 am in the Syndicate Hall

  1. Change of address of the Alumni Association of Karnatak University office with reference to AAKU Rules / Section 1.2

    New Address: Ground Floor, Silver Jubilee Building, behind the Registrar’s Office, the Administrative Building, Karnatak University, Pavate Nagar, Dharwad – 580003.

  2. Discussion of membership fees for various categories as under AAKU Bylaws/Section 3.2
    Existing Membership Fees Amount Revised Membership fees Amount
    a. Donor members (both KUD and Non KUD Graduates) are those who pay or donate a lump sum of not less than 25,000/- a. Donor members are those who donate a lump sum of more than Rs.1,000/- Any amount beyond Rs.1,000/-
    b. Life members are those who pay a one-time subscription of 5,000/- b. Life members are those who pay a one-time subscription of 1,000/-
    c. Honorary members are those who have received honorary degrees from the University c. Deleted
    d. Associate members are those who are employed under the Karnatak University, Dharwad who are not graduates of Karnatak University, Dharwad who pay or donate a sum 5,000/-. d. Deleted --
    e. Corporate Affiliates are those members who are admitted to the Association asper the terms and conditions prescribed by the executive committee from timeto time. e. Deleted --
    f. Friends of Association are those who are admitted to the Association as per theterms and conditions prescribed by the executive committee from time to time f. Deleted --
    To request the KUD authorities to make current students as student/Co-members Students membership fees (UG/ PG/ Diploma/ Certificate Course/ M.Phil/ Ph.D. students of KUD) Rs.250/-

    Note: The student membership ceases on the completion of his/her respective course degree examinations. The student member is not having any voting power and cannot be included in the Executive Committee (except as per the proviso in Resolution 4).

  3. Revision of the compositionand number of members in the Executive Committeeunder AAKU Bylaws/Section 4.1 and under KSHEC Guidelines/II-(C)/(ii).

    Revised the number of members to 21 in the Executive Committee and reconstituted its composition in accordance with KSHEC Guidelines/II-(C)/(ii). Hence, the revised composition of the Executive Committee is as follows:

    Existing Committee Revised Committee
    President 01 President 01
    Vice-President 01 Vice-President 02
    Secretary 01 Secretary 01
    Treasurer 01 Treasurer 01
    Joint Secretaries 01 Joint Secretaries 02
    Members 02 Members* 14
    Total 07 Total 21

    *The members shall include representatives from the Faculties, officers of Karnatak University, alumni from different walks of life and student leaders.

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