Karnatak University, Dharwad


To strengthen multi-disciplinary, technology-enabled education;promote research for innovation and excellence; train students as responsiblefuture citizenswho will strive towards creating a sustainable society.

  • To deliver outcome-based quality education, emphasizing experiential learning with state-of-the-art infrastructure.
  • To create a conducive environment for multi-disciplinary research and innovation.
  • To develop professionals through holistic education focusing on all round growth, discipline, ethics, and social sensitivity.
  • To nurture industry-institution collaboration leading to competency enhancement and entrepreneurship.
  • To strengthen the adoption of technology ensuring a sustainable and inclusive society, benefiting all sections of the society.
  • To adopt and strengthen e-governance for time-bound delivery of educational services.


The University has adopted distinct mechanisms to deliver courses as well as conduct administration. In the process, many distinct and unique practices are evolved that have enhanced the quality of learning and governance in the University. Two of such practices are described here below:

  1. Maintaining the social relevance of the educational, learning and administrative processes: The University has established a number of chairs named after great personalities and epoch-making thinkers, viz., Gandhian Studies, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Studies, Basaveshwara Studies, Kanakadasa Studies, Vemana Studies, Swami Vivekananda Studies, Babu Jagjivan Ram Studies, and others. These chairs impart the values enunciated by these thinkers to the students in the form of add-on Diploma and Certificate Programmes. Observance of birth anniversary of these personalities offers scope for spreading their ideas and encouraging the students to inculcate values represented by these people. These Study Centres are also involved in extension and publication activities to preserve the ethos of these personalities.
  2. The University has also created many Cells and Units to cater to the special needs of disadvantaged sections. The SC/ST Cell, the Minorities and Other Backward Classes Cell, Women’s Study Centre, International Students Cell, and others. All these enable the students of these sections to access the benefits due to them and this makes the overall governance and administration process more inclusive.
  3. Roots in Indian traditions but branching out in emerging high-tech areas (Yoga, performing and visual arts to laser technology and Polymers): The University offers varied programmes that range from Yoga and Performing Arts that celebrate our tradition to such emerging areas like the computers, laser technology and polymers. Thus, it ensures the campus has students studying Indian tradition as well as subjects belonging to the emerging areas and belonging to cutting-edge technology.
  4. Village Adoption: Although this is not unique, what makes Karnatak University’s practice special is that the fees of students coming from the adopted villages to higher learning is completely waived. The other activities like the planning for socio-economic development of the village, creating awareness about government schemes and programmes, improving delivery of social services, need-based training, are carried out in the adopted villages.

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